Active Stretch - Flow State
A beautiful flow that intersperses gentle heart rate lifting movement with deep full body stretching. Perfect first thing in the morning or for an evening stress release.
Legs and Back Barre - Live class
Barre is fantastic for our lower body but this one gets some rewarding upper body in too! Try this week's most popular live class.
Sleek Powerhouse
Sleek with your natural powerhouse, the muscular 'corset' from the base of your ribs to your glutes. We'll work the muscles of the lower back, abdominals, hips, gluteal, inner thighs, and pelvic floor in this beautifully fluid, full body class.
Double up Barre & Stretch
Want your barre fix but you need to stretch out too? This class gives you both in just 30 minutes.
Strength and Vitality Program Trailer
A new program of short daily workouts for anti-ageing and wellness. 6 new workouts, 12 to 25 minutes in length designed to help retain muscle mass, create beautiful tone and balance hormones in our 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond.
Strength For All
The 1st workout in a NEW program out next week! Women naturally start to lose 3–5% of their muscle mass per decade after 30. This workout is based on functional movement patterns we use every day to improve ease of movement with the addition of weights to help build strength and tone. I am using ...
Strength For All 2
This is the second strength workout in the Strength & Vitality Program. It helps us retain muscle mass post-40 and keep our fat-burning ability fired up. I am using 4kg weights, but you can use filled water bottles or lighter weights if you are starting as a beginner.
Full Body Sculpting 1 - Mat
Systematically devoting 5 to 7 minutes of focused exercises for each body area for a full body sculpting mat workout in under 20 minutes. Part of the Strength and Vitality Workout Program.
Full Body Sculpting 2 - Ball
Incorporating exercises for each body area for an express full body sculpt. Use an optional pilates ball for extra resistance and even better muscle-toning results.
Low Impact Cardio
A focused joint-friendly, cardio workout to raise your heart rate without high impact
Lymphatic Drainage - Recovery Workout
A recovery workout to stimulate your lymphatic system so your body can effectively remove toxins and rebalance hormones.
Full Body 'Fitness Snack'
Jump up and join me for a 5 minute, full body, 'fitness snack' to break inactivity & boost energy! Long periods of inactivity (sitting or standing) have a detrimental effect on our metabolic health so break the cycle and move with me now.
Express Legs & Waist Shaper
An express workout to target your legs and waist
Ballet Burn and Tone
This is a power led, full body class with optional wrist weights. Feel stronger and fitter in 30 minutes
Full Body Sweat
Move your body and sweat it out in this classical meets cardio class. When you stimulate your muscles and get your body's energy systems firing, you don't have to work for long. Get your cardio fix in just 20 minutes with this fiery, full body workout with Flik that will leave you feeling ready f...
Back & Arms Sculpt - Live Class
A beautiful flowing class to tone your upper body and reset your posture
Lower Body Total Tone
A spicy Sleek class which will sculpt your legs and glutes. Also pairs with Upper Body Total Tone for a longer, full body workout
Leg and Booty Lift - Live Class
A targeted leg and glute workout to shape and tone your lower body from every angle
NEW Strong and Steady Core
Slow the pace but feel the burn in this steady but oh-so-effective abs strengthening session with Sophie.
Upper body Total Tone
Train every part of your upper body, arms, shoulders and back in this 30 minute all levels class. Want extra resistance? Add a light set of wrist weights.
Pro Legs Barre and Burn
A dynamic and thorough lower body workout. Grab a chair or barre and let's get sculpting in a fun 30 minutes!
NEW Balanced Body
This workout will fire up your body, non stop, to improve and accelerate your balance abilities on one leg, an essential skill not only for dance, but to keep us centred and strong throughout our daily challenges.
Flow and Open Mobility
A truly beneficial way to work functional mobility with a Sleek dancer flow 'twist'!
Sculpt and Flow - Abs
A steady focused workout that builds in pace to really zeros in on your core from every angle.