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Watch this video and more on Sleek Ballet Fitness | Ballet and Barre Workouts

Watch this video and more on Sleek Ballet Fitness | Ballet and Barre Workouts

Up Next in Full Body - Beginners

  • Ballet Class 2

    Start direct at the barre advance your technique with frappe and grand rond de jambe. Enjoy a longer centre to practice adage and pirouettes.

  • Sassy - Sculpt & Sweat

    Challenge your body with some opposing moves. Use internal and external rotation while you ripple and high kick through this Sassy combo.

  • Third Eye Chakra - Visualisation and ...

    Visualisation, openness and imagination are centred around the third eye chakra. In this workout, work through balances and turns to release blocked energy located between the eye brows and improve balance, tone and strength.