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Watch this video and more on Sleek Ballet Fitness | Ballet and Barre Workouts

Watch this video and more on Sleek Ballet Fitness | Ballet and Barre Workouts

Up Next in Full Body - Beginners

  • Sleek Resist & Sculpt

    Resist & Sculpt is a dynamic, compact resistance workout that leverages your own body weight to chisel and fortify your muscles. This routine includes a diverse range of exercises designed to enhance tone and strength. It provides an added challenge yet is suitable for all levels.

  • Ballet is Beautiful - Rotate

    The second class in our Ballet is Beautiful series. Engaging mat into a stunning classical centre practice that works the entire body

  • Renew Retreat - Block Burn

    The Daily Renew Retreat sereies will reset your body, increase your energy levels, start to define your muscles, torch calories and help anti-age your body.
    Wake Up to this 20 minute Block Workout that activates your thighs, powers up your core and raises your metabolism