Full Body Live Class Week

Full Body Live Class Week

4 super Sleek live classes + a short mobility-enhancing stretch programmed to work every area of your body across your week! We've taken the thinking out of it and programmed a week of awesome Sleek live classes for you on catch-up. Sculpt a different focus area each day whilst getting your dance and cardio fix! Complete one workout a day or double up your classes and add the stretch for a 60-minute or longer Sleek session. Suitable for all levels.

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Full Body Live Class Week
  • Perfect Pro Legs - Classical 1

    A really popular live class to shape your dancer-like legs fast! Simple, super-effective classical moves to redefine your lower body.

  • Lower Abs - Live Class

    Really work your lower abs for a stronger flatter core. A swift-moving mat section that zeros in on your lower abs followed by a fun, heart-raising, core-focused standing section.

  • Perfect Pro Legs - Classical 2

    The second in a series of leg sculpting classical classes for all levels. Redefine your dancer-like legs!

  • NEW Sleek Arms and Abs Live

    One of my favourite live classes! Sculpt your entire upper body including super lengthening ab work.

  • NEW Stretch - cool down/warm up

    Grab a chair and finish off your workout with a calming, mobility-enhancing stretch. This also works equally well as a warm-up.