Sleek with your natural powerhouse, the muscular 'corset' from the base of your ribs to your glutes. We'll work the muscles of the lower back, abdominals, hips, gluteal, inner thighs, and pelvic floor in this beautifully fluid, full body class.
Up Next in Latest Sleek Workouts
Double up Barre & Stretch
Want your barre fix but you need to stretch out too? This class gives you both in just 30 minutes.
Strength and Vitality Program Trailer
A new program of short daily workouts for anti-ageing and wellness. 6 new workouts, 12 to 25 minutes in length designed to help retain muscle mass, create beautiful tone and balance hormones in our 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond.
Strength For All
The 1st workout in a NEW program out next week! Women naturally start to lose 3–5% of their muscle mass per decade after 30. This workout is based on functional movement patterns we use every day to improve ease of movement with the addition of weights to help build strength and tone. I am using ...