A totally luxuriating and comprehensive class working at a steady pace to establish your ballerina technique
Up Next in Latest Sleek Workouts
Full Ballet Body - Don Quixote
The full Don Quixote workout experience! All the Spanish flair, fun and effectiveness of the Don Q inspired barrre, centre and mat combined. A complete 45-minute intensive ballerina body shape, tone and lengthen session. We LOVE this!
Sleek Ballet Bootcamp - Olé
A beautiful balletic, full-body workout with a wonderful Spanish flair! Focus systematically on each body area before building to a challenging, dance cardio sequence. The final workout in the NEW Don Quixote Program.
Classical Cardio - Don Quixote
We are joined again by Principal ballerina Celine Gittens for a 15-minute balletic center workout that builds methodically into a great, classical cardio dance sequence. It will shape and strengthen your physique whilst getting a satisfying burn on!